Why Not Public Housing? A Save Section 9 Teach-In
Why Not Public Housing? A Save Section 9 Teach-In
April 8, 2024, from 6:30 pm – 8:00
This was a virtual program. The recording can be found below.
About the artist
A thought-provoking virtual Teach-In hosted by Save Section 9, a national advocacy group of residents and neighbors committed to preserving and revitalizing public housing in New York City and the nation.
Delve into the rich history, pressing challenges, and future prospects of public housing as we explore its significance and the significant threats public housing faces today, including the full scale demolition of the Fulton and Elliott Chelsea Houses and the relocation/displacement of thousands of long term public housing residents.
This discussion aligns with More Art’s 2024 year of programs on the themes of housing and immigration in New York City.
Introduction to Public Housing: Learn about the origins and evolution of public housing in the US and in New York City, examining its pivotal role in shaping urban communities.
Present Challenges: Explore the current landscape of public housing, discussing issues such as funding shortages, maintenance backlogs, and the impact of gentrification on affordable housing.
Save Section 9 Campaigns: Learn about the initiatives and campaigns led by Save Section 9 to safeguard public housing communities and amplify the voices of residents.
Interactive Discussion: Engage in a dynamic dialogue with experts, artists, activists, and community members as we brainstorm solutions to address the challenges facing public housing and ensure its sustainability for future generations.
Speakers: Ramona Ferreyra, Renee Keitt & Teresa Scott
Save Section 9
Save Section 9 is a tenant-led coalition that works to educate and activate public housing tenants. They take on policies rooted in colonialism that have led to discriminatory disinvestment in America’s only truly affordable housing stock. Their members fight gentrification, displacement, and privatization schemes nationally. Their actions are focused on gaining adoption of our federal solutions which aim to rehabilitate and expand the only truly affordable housing stock in America. They demand the sustainable and resilient rehabilitation of Section 9/ public housing campuses nationally.