NY2044 Issues
Each edition of New York 2044 takes the form of a printed and online newspaper featuring reports from the imaginations of New York's committed citizens, along with their personal stories in comic form.
Housing Edition
Immigration Edition
Health & the Urban Environment Edition
Voices of NY2044
Zines and ephemera that detail the complex storylines behind the project contributors, based on Fischer’s initial interviews with New Yorkers on the front lines of these issues.
Noah and More Art thank contributors to the NY2044 project. These are the New Yorkers who informed Noah’s process and research. Each of these participants in the project contributed a headline that they felt could reflect the issue in 2044, and helped us imagine how to get there:
Issue 1: Alicia Boyd, Miguel Robles Duran, Marquis Jenkins, Monxo Lopez, Anonymous, Ramona Ferreyra, Alex Strada, Emily Gallagher, Betty Yu, Felice Kirby, Samuel Stein, Anonymous.
Issue 2: Alex Beria, Jeehae Fischer, Brenda Loya, Jordon Rogore, Kate Poor, Lee-Sean Huang, Maya Lunes, Merrill Zack, and Yasira Nun.
Color assistance by Katherine Domínguez.
New York 2044 is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.