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A Year of Public Water

June 29, 2020

This week More Art launches a Year of Public Water, a project by artist Mary Mattingly that examines the complex history of NYC’s drinking watershed, bringing attention to the often unseen labor that people, along with our broader ecological community, undertake to care for our water. As the U.S. experiences a heightened health, economic, environmental, and water poverty crisis, millions of people face obstacles to access safe, clean running water daily. Agricultural runoff, byproducts of disinfection agents, as well as aging infrastructure like lead pipes have contaminated drinking water, especially in BIPOC and low-income communities. Addressing environmental, health, and economic conditions in and around New York City’s watershed and public water system is a vital precondition for the creation of a more just present and future for upstream and downstream New Yorkers.

A Year of Public Water is an invitation to examine our relationship to water in order to co-build more equitable partnerships between downstream water-receiving communities and upstream water-source communities. Join us each week for a new release of content including research, guest interviews, and calls to action.

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