Mafe Izaguirre
Mafe Izaguirre is a New York-based artist, graphic designer, and educator. Her work explores the artificial mind framed by the ideas of philosophical post-humanism: a movement that poses the human as a plural, fluid and de-centered being living in multiple spaces of interaction with machines, software, other species, and spiritual hybrid systems. Framed as The Mind Project, fragments of her cybernetic installations have been exhibited in Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn. Izaguirre graduated from PROdiseƱo School of Visual Communication, specializing in Digital Media (2002). In 2016, she studied digital fabrication at Cooper Union. Izaguirre is an artist member of the Long Island City Artist Association. She works as a tech mentor at Mouse Inc, DreamYard Project (Bronx), and as co-founder and Creative Director of ROOM: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action, an online psychoanalytic magazine created by IPTAR members. Since 2018, Izaguirre is a Board Member of the humanitarian Foundation Cuatro Por Venezuela.