Anna Adler, Corinne Cappelletti, & Julia Rooney

Anna Adler, Corinne Cappelletti, & Julia Rooney

Anna Adler is an artist and educator working in sculpture, installation, and performance with a focus on staged narrative, storytelling and social practice. Her work involves inserting the surreal into the everyday, through public walks, interventions, and general explorations of the fluidity of identity and place.

Corinne Cappelletti is a dancer, community-builder, and Registered Somatic Movement Educator/Therapist. She devises performance-based models for developing a sense of place, and began her art & social justice work as an ArtsBridge Scholar, co-facilitating a stress-management program with under-served teenagers through portraiture and somatic awareness tools.

Julia Rooney is a visual artist and an arts educator. Though rooted in painting, her studio practice often bridges other disciplines, including performance, culinary arts, writing, and community-based work. In making her work, she is primarily concerned with “rooting” the body — her own and her viewers — in what is constantly moving.

